Title:GIPC (Grupo de Investiacion del Paisaje Cultural)
Finance-Support:Universidad Politécnica de Madrid_ref.2007-000-32868
Team:Juan Miguel Hernández de León
Principal Investigator
The Grupo de Investigación Paisaje Cultural-Intervenciones Contemporáneas en la Ciudad y el Territorio (Cultural Landscape Research Group – Contemporary Interventions in the City and the Territory) is a group of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid which investigates in areas such as architecture, civil engineering, earth sciences, social sciences, history and art, through three lines of work framed in the construction of memory, the construction of the exteriority and the re-construction of the landscape.
The line of research Acciones en el Paisaje Contemporáneo (Actions in the Contemporary Landscape) works with the spaces loaded of aesthetic sensibility, “laboratories of comparative aesthetics”…alternative programs, specific in each case, to engage with the cultural dimension, the educational dimension… with the new dimensions pointed out in this research process, which enhance the magnificent cultural heritage: … scientific, aesthetic, industrial, technological … within a series of mining landscapes, adapted to new expectations within the European framework.
It is about discovering the different dimensions across these unique landscapes, forming a kind of “proper landscape” around which labor plans emerge, and industrial architectures already abandoned…The research group reflects from the point of view of the landscape…from artistic, philosophical and aesthetic positions… to know, and understand the various dimensions that make up its multiplicity, to decipher a potential cartography that allows us to follow its path…