Title:Navarra´s Architect´s Archive
Finance-Support:Colegio de Arquitectos Vasco Navarro- COAVN
Position:Principal Investigator
Team:Josean Ruiz Esquiroz
Ignacio Ruiz Allen
Lucía Martinez Trejo
Navarra´s Architects Archive-Javier Guibert
Javier Guibert was born in Pamplona in 1925. He studied in Madrid where he graduated in 1957. During these years in the capital he met some of the architects that have built the history of Spanish architecture in 60´s: José Antonio Corrales and Ramón Vázquez Molezún, José María García Paredes, Rafael de la Hoz, Javier Carvajal, Xosé Bar Boo, Luis Peña Ganchegui, Antonio Fernández Alba, Francisco Inza and Fernando Higueras.
During his partnership with Fernando Redón there are outstanding works such as the Huarte Towers, the Ulzama´s Golf Club or the Erroz Towers. From his second part of his career, leading his own office, he built the Church of Santiago in Pamplona or Klinker Club in Olazagutía.
The work is based in personal interviews and visits to the main archives where the work of Don Javier Guibert is stored (Navarra Library, UPNA Archives, ETSAM Library, Navarre Administrative Archives, Pamplona Municipal Archives, as well as several local archives).