Title:Strategic Assessment Asturias Mining Landscape
Finance-Support:GIPC-Gobierno del Principado de Asturias
Team:Dario Gazapo
Concha Lapayese
Ignacio Ruiz Allen
Josean Ruiz Esquíroz


Evaluation of Asturias´Mining Landscape

The European Tribunal Strategy, a document released in Potsdam in 1999, considers the landscape as one of the main elements of territorial development. Likewise, its balanced and sustainable management is considered one of the main priorities for the development of the European Union Territory, in a double challenge, its conservation and its proposals development.

From this point of view, it´s proposed to the Direction General de Minería y Energía del Principado de Asturias a research project about a relevant context in Asturias landscape.

This study has to be used into future planning and management actions. It is intended to highlight the necessisty of landscaping integration into planning and territorial development. The landscape management policies should consider this perception of the cultural landscape and, therefore, be incorporated for future discussions of each specific situation.