Title:TTT Retiro – Vicalvaro
Location:Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) Universidad Politecnica de Madrid (UPM)
Program:coordination- design- editor
Team:Josean Ruiz Esquíroz
Marta Muñoz

ISBN:ISBN  978-84-943792-9-1


The picture of the book cover shows the different photograms from a walk of the editors. The walk starts in Retiro Park and ends on the top of Almodóvar’s hill located Vicalvaro, crossing the six plots of the projects contained in this book. Each of the 101 book covers is different and is enumerated. The whole sequence shows the imaginary trip we have taken during this first course TTTT TTT  Trabas-Trazas-Tramas de Projects 1 y 2.

The 12 km and 4 hours walk was done the 5th of April 2015, and recall the long walks that artists from Vallecas School took at the end of the 20s, starting in the city center (Atocha) and ending on the top of the suburb’s hills. Those covers also refer to the fascination of the suburban and urban landscapes described by Wim Wenders in Paris – Texas.