Title:Urban renewal in Geneve
Location:Geneve, Switzerland
Program:master plan
Team:Josean Ruiz Esquiroz
Marta Muñoz

Collaborations:Alberto Montero


The Vieusseux-Villars-Franchises proposal introduces a new metropolitan scale in the city of Geneva, with the verticality of its seven towers and the horizontality of its green carpet, which provides a large urban park. The topography of the carpet is slightly folded to show towards the Route de Meyrin and the Route des Franchises and sinusoidal elevation, which contain the pedestrian accesses to the park, the parking accesses to the underground, within the glazed facades where business and community programs are located. City Phases: The perimeter locations of the towers, makes possible an orderly phased construction withou causing too much inconvenience to neighbors, which will be relocated gradually. Central Park: Inspired by Frederick Law Olmsted, tries to clear the area from motor vehicles, and allows it just for pedestrians and cyclists. Under this big “greencarpet” a whole underground network of parking lots and utilities are hidden. Above it, a network of walking paths in a smooth topography assures fresh air and leisure. Water Reuse:using Living Machines to reuse rainwater and gray water. Across the park a network of ponds mixes grey water with plants, bacteria and ultraviolent rays. They clean through a biochemical process the water to be reused in irrigation, tanks, educational orchards, and skylobbies gardens. Thus, water treatment is produced in a decentralized and organic process.